Friday, July 06, 2012

Time We Stop.Listen.What's that sound?Everybody look what's Goin' Down...

A little 12 year old boy was shot and killed about a half mile from my home two days ago.Two Auburn football players were shot and killed a few weeks ago.People are dropping like flies from drug overdoses at an alarming rate.These things are not surprising these days.Children must have 24/7 observation for fear of abduction. More to the point,we have become de-desensitized to violence and other horrible events  happening and we just accept them and move on....We all just want to turn the other way and say"it won't happen to me".

If these incidents happened when I was a kid, each one would make National headlines and would be huge stories for weeks.Now,these events are just a blurb on a newscast or in the paper,because something else that should be shocking and a call for action comes along and takes it's place....I'm not surprised that crimes like these happen today,but again,as a kid,these incidents would be shocking to the core. As a society we have come to a point where shootings,murders,child molestation,abductions and violence of all kinds are a part of our everyday life.We are not shocked anymore.We should be...We should be terrified.I rode my bike to school for the fun of it when I was in the third grade.I would never let my child ride out of my site today.

Fear has taken our lives and shaped them into something I would have never imagined except in middle eastern Countries I was when growing up.The VALUE of human life for some in our country has dropped like the stock market crash.We can point blame at minorities,immigrants and mentally ill people.This world has beome a scary place and we have let it happen right before our eyes.We have become an oppressive Country out of necessity.Our prisons are filled with people who are mentally ill.If they were treated properly then half of the crime in this country would be non-existent.If we de-criminalized drugs and taxed them,using the money to help the mentally ill then the country would immediately become safer.The way congress wants  to solve our issues?Let's cut spending on mental health for the people who need it.Let's lock up people who just want to lead a free uncluttered life in the privacy of their own home.We have no leadership anymore.Just career politiians who are inheritantly corrupt and don't care about anything but money and power-two very addictive drugs themselves.

Freedom? Yes,we as a country, have declared our independence.We as a people, are not free.We are scared.We are hysterical.We are lead by a government that wants to sell people the American Dream,but this ideal has been replaced by complacency and poor leadership and has backfired on us, ironically, all in the name of freedom. We are a herd of cows being lead to the slaughterhouse.Our leaders are ignorant and greedy-using the relatively small amount of time they serve in office as a way to make money for their constituency and special interest groups.Money is the root of all evil.We have lost our way as if we have lost our glasses and can not find them anywhere.

I get why crime has become such a common and dangerous threat.It's called survival.People have to eat.People have to have their drugs.Like it or not it's a fact of life that is not going away. People become desperate.I'm terrified of the world my daughter will be living in in another 20 years.Hell,I'm scared right now.

Right now,if we had smart people with kind hearts and common sense and honesty running our country we could make this society better for all.I'm talking strictly about social issues here.I'm not naive enough to not realize that things are the way they are for a reason.I'm not smart enough to know why our personal liberties are gone.I am smart enough to know that we live in an extremely greedy and selfish place.I am smart enough to know that we have extremely worthless and self-servinng leaders in this country.

This is a very rough work in progress.I'm going to get this right when I have more time.Until then,you're stuck with this.

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