Tuesday, October 09, 2012

I actually wrote a Poem?

On a foggy morning, across a misty pond, I could see a figure.I could not make it out as my vision is too blurry,but somehow I know it was something beautiful...BW 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Great Delusion and Denial of the Bammer Brain.A glimpse inside the Bammer Mind.

Being born a Bammer is not just sad but...You inherite a unique case of mental illness,as well.The denial and delusional thinking run extremely deep. The delusions of grandeur are passed down each generation and it gets worse as time moves on because ,obviously,if you have been "taught" that you are a fan of Bammer ball then you have also been taught that you have more championships than you really have and that Bear Bryant's balls have been bronzed and ring the bells on Campus in Tuscaloser.Bama parents actually brainwash their kids into making false claims just to make their football team look better.Think about that...Yes-some are delusional but most bammers do know the truth but teach their kids to claim something they never earned-just so they can be superior to others in that one particular area of life.But Wait!!!It does not end there... The state of Alabama does not have the best test scores,the state of Alabama gets a bad rep in the media constantly because-let's face it-we ARE ass backwards...So these " once neutral" residents of Alabama, whom have never been into a college classroom have attached themselves to something they can be proud of, with our State's name on it...- Alabama football.The kids are taught from the get-go that they are superior to others because they are Alabama football fans and they have won some Championships over the last 120 years. These rednecks have been told all of their lives that they are inferior to a State like Connecticut; when it comes to intelligence,corruption,te​st scores among our children and teachers,etc.... Deep down in his / her mind , the typical mullet headed,teeth deprived,obnoxious bammer feels extremely inferior from the start, because they see it on the news hear it on the radio all of their lives-the typical Bama fan has it re-enforced every day of their lives that they are stupid rednecks. Bammers are told from the start that Alabama is a low ranked State in many areas of importance. I guarantee you that 60% of Alabama fans never even finished high school and 80% never made it to a college campus.Auburn fans ,for the most part were raised Auburn fans because their parents went to Auburn or they went to Auburn....When you go to a home game at Bryant-Denny it's like every carnival worker and white trash redneck in the USA has come to watch the game.It is their ONLY source of pride and they can't even beat the college down the road,Auburn,at their own home stadium! I'm thinking of going back to School and majoring in Iron-Bowl Related Mental Issues, Problems and related Behavior.It really is a very sick part of our culture in the State.

There is a dark,dark side to this rivalry. If I dug deep enough into the typical fan's mind I would find some bat-shit crazy on both sides.The phenomenon of the evolution of the typical bammer fan,however,would heavily outweigh any other findings.I'd find Auburn fans like me-that hate Alabama a little more than they should....We don't create Championships out of thin air to make us look better.We went to Auburn-we already look good!But the meat of the story would be focused naturally,on the Bammers' collective conscience.After all-without their 14 so called National Championships they are all just residents of the State of Alabama.These redneck bammers love Alabama football.Auburn fans love Auburn.Simple as that.Auburn folks don't need to embellish anything as we just sit back and watch our beloved kids play football,while the wheels turn and turn over at Alabama.

Be prepared for the inevitable meltdown when Saban's recruiting tactics backfire on him.It is so obvious and there is actually a group of former assistants and associates that are getting together with an author to write a book on Saban's cheating.

Voting-South Park's View

I just watched an episode of South Park which made me realize it IS very important to vote.Even if the only nominees are a Giant Douche bag or a Turd Sandwich.LOL... Where have all the good candidates gone.Why can a candidate not rise to the top and get this country back in it's place in this world-as a huge that at least can bring us all together instead of dividing us more and more.Right now-I do not believe it is Obama's fault.It's Congress that is to blame..and the folk who hold congress in their pockets-mainly money grubbing Corporations...

We all know most politicians did not get to a high level in the USA gov't without some type of shady crap....If good ,honest people some way could run for office and all band together for the best interest of this country, that would be a really good start-lobbyists should be banned all together..Just a thought-I'm trying to decide if I'm going to vote for the turd sandwich or the Douche bag-I'll probably write in a person I believe can lead this country.I want to feel safe and  I want a good world for my daughter.I want a safe world.The atrocities going on around this world are extreme alarming.Human trafficking?Catholic Priests?not all of them,FYI.We have our own problems but we must stop being so selfish and compromise on many issues.China is about to kick our ass-and I would not be surprised if some war begins soon.We as human beings have fucked up everything.We could have lived perfectly in harmony on what God or the big bang or let's just say earth gave us.I believe that God had something to do with it,myself-I am sure he's pissed at what we have done to our planet.There is so much evil in this world -it's very scary.I really wish everyone would all just do unto others as they would have others do unto them.We have not followed the Golden Rule.That's a fact

I'm seriously not into politics because it's so much of a waste of time to try and talk others into your own opinion-it does not work.All these posts about negativity towards Obama just make people mad.Not at Obama though-at the poster of the articles.We all know the spin is in each article and only idiots believe this 99% of this crap.

The last three or four Presidents and Congress(especially congress) have fucked this country up.We need an actual leader-and I believe that Obama has done well considering what he inherited and also considering that the Republicans are way too arrogant and greedy to work with him because they know if they don't cooperate then his ideas will never pass and he might not be re-elected.Maybe we should give the democrats a chance to lead the country for four years and then give the republicans a chance.All our leaders do is bicker and think only of themselves and their being re-elected.

Our entire system is seeming to fail...I know 5 friends from my class at the Montgomery Academy who could get together and fix this mess.They are that smart-all honest and all reasonable people.I wish they would get into politics because I know a few that have what it takes to fix us.

Enough of my rambling.I hate politics. And folks-please stop your posting on FB because it will not make a difference.At all. start a different page where people can subscribe if they want to hear your shit.don't throw it on us every damn day.
Barry Wilson,Jr.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Time We Stop.Listen.What's that sound?Everybody look what's Goin' Down...

A little 12 year old boy was shot and killed about a half mile from my home two days ago.Two Auburn football players were shot and killed a few weeks ago.People are dropping like flies from drug overdoses at an alarming rate.These things are not surprising these days.Children must have 24/7 observation for fear of abduction. More to the point,we have become de-desensitized to violence and other horrible events  happening and we just accept them and move on....We all just want to turn the other way and say"it won't happen to me".

If these incidents happened when I was a kid, each one would make National headlines and would be huge stories for weeks.Now,these events are just a blurb on a newscast or in the paper,because something else that should be shocking and a call for action comes along and takes it's place....I'm not surprised that crimes like these happen today,but again,as a kid,these incidents would be shocking to the core. As a society we have come to a point where shootings,murders,child molestation,abductions and violence of all kinds are a part of our everyday life.We are not shocked anymore.We should be...We should be terrified.I rode my bike to school for the fun of it when I was in the third grade.I would never let my child ride out of my site today.

Fear has taken our lives and shaped them into something I would have never imagined except in middle eastern Countries I was when growing up.The VALUE of human life for some in our country has dropped like the stock market crash.We can point blame at minorities,immigrants and mentally ill people.This world has beome a scary place and we have let it happen right before our eyes.We have become an oppressive Country out of necessity.Our prisons are filled with people who are mentally ill.If they were treated properly then half of the crime in this country would be non-existent.If we de-criminalized drugs and taxed them,using the money to help the mentally ill then the country would immediately become safer.The way congress wants  to solve our issues?Let's cut spending on mental health for the people who need it.Let's lock up people who just want to lead a free uncluttered life in the privacy of their own home.We have no leadership anymore.Just career politiians who are inheritantly corrupt and don't care about anything but money and power-two very addictive drugs themselves.

Freedom? Yes,we as a country, have declared our independence.We as a people, are not free.We are scared.We are hysterical.We are lead by a government that wants to sell people the American Dream,but this ideal has been replaced by complacency and poor leadership and has backfired on us, ironically, all in the name of freedom. We are a herd of cows being lead to the slaughterhouse.Our leaders are ignorant and greedy-using the relatively small amount of time they serve in office as a way to make money for their constituency and special interest groups.Money is the root of all evil.We have lost our way as if we have lost our glasses and can not find them anywhere.

I get why crime has become such a common and dangerous threat.It's called survival.People have to eat.People have to have their drugs.Like it or not it's a fact of life that is not going away. People become desperate.I'm terrified of the world my daughter will be living in in another 20 years.Hell,I'm scared right now.

Right now,if we had smart people with kind hearts and common sense and honesty running our country we could make this society better for all.I'm talking strictly about social issues here.I'm not naive enough to not realize that things are the way they are for a reason.I'm not smart enough to know why our personal liberties are gone.I am smart enough to know that we live in an extremely greedy and selfish place.I am smart enough to know that we have extremely worthless and self-servinng leaders in this country.

This is a very rough work in progress.I'm going to get this right when I have more time.Until then,you're stuck with this.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Is Auburn?

What is Auburn?

Far be it from me to try to answer that question. There are as many definitions of Auburn as there are Auburn men and women.

It would be safe to say, however, that Auburn is much more than a football game. It is much more than winning and losing.

It is a spirit. It is an attitude. It is a way of looking at life and at one another. It is, almost, a way of living. Unless you have experienced it, you will never know what it is; you will never understand it. Once you have experienced it, you will never be the same. A part of you will, forevermore, be an Auburn man or an Auburn woman.
--David Housel

Monday, June 11, 2012

Auburn Family

The most unique aspect of being an Auburn fan is that we consider ourselves a true family.I remember walking down the sreets of New York with my AU hat on my head and hearing War Eagle at least 10 times within two hours.We are grieving together right now-as if we have lost brothers.

Auburn fans are not fair weathered fans.We support our players no matter what.AU football is just a series of games played by members of our family.ALL IN is not just a slogan,it's a way of life.Auburn is such a special,beautiful place.Genuinely good folks live and breathe Auburn.We are so passionate because we are not just pulling for our team to win-we are pulling for our brothers and sisters to succeed.When a family member makes a mistake-yes we get mad.Just like any family member would.We hope that when one of our own does mess up,we support them and hope they make changes and make amends.

Don't get me wrong-Auburn fans want to win.We want our grads to represent Auburn well.But,when all is said and done-we have already won,because we were lucky enough to be raised Auburn folks.We lost some good Auburn men this week.It's hard to swallow and hard to comprehend how such senseless behavior ended their young lives.I cried.I'm grieving.I'm sure if you are an Auburn fan,that you feel the same way. I believe in the Auburn creed which I'll leave you with right now.War Eagle and Rest in Peace Ladarius and Ed.We love you and thank you for your contributions to the Auburn Family...
Our Creed:

 I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)

Friday, June 08, 2012


It seems almost too simple to be true, but acceptance -- accepting things exactly as they are -- can be the key that unlocks the door to happiness.
After John 3:16, it may be one of the most quoted passages in literature. It's from Page 449 (first 3 editions, pg. 417 in the 4th edition) of Alcoholics Anonymous or The Big Book as it is widely known:

    And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation -- some fact of my life -- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism (or addiction,victim hood,terminal uniqueness,and/or any problems) I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.
For me, serenity began when I learned to distinguish between those things that I could change and those I could not. When I admitted that there were people, places, things, and situations over which I was totally powerless, those things began to lose their power over me. I learned that everyone has the right to make their own mistakes, and learn from them, without my interference, judgement, or assistance! The key to my serenity is acceptance. But "acceptance" does not mean that I have to like it, condone it, or even ignore it. What it does mean is I am powerless to do anything about it... and I have to accept that fact.
Nor does it mean that I have to accept "unacceptable behavoir." Today I have choices. I no longer have to accept abuse in any form. I can choose to walk away, even if it means stepping out into the unknown. I no longer have to fear "change" or the unknown. I can merely accept it as part of the journey.
I spent years trying to change things in my life over which I was powerless, but did not know it. I threatened, scolded, manipulated, coerced, pleaded, begged, pouted, bribed and generally tried everything I could to make the situation better -- only watch as things always got progressively worse.
I spent so much time trying to change the things I could not change, it never once occurred to me to simply accept them as they were.
Now when things in my life are not going the way I planned them, or downright bad things happen, I can remind myself that whatever is going on is not happening by accident. There's a reason for it and it is not always meant for me to know what that reason is.
That change in attitude has been the key to happiness for me. I know I am not the only who has found that serenity. Sources:Buddy T., Big Book,and me!